Reading Buddies across grade levels was a great way to engage our elementary students during Read Across America Week. Students huddled together, reading, building fluency, laughing, and talking about books. #TCproud #Readers4life #readingbuddies #RAA

This past week the Kitchen Staff at Tri-County joined in the Read Across America celebrations with the elementary students. Menu items included Go Dog Go mini corn dogs, Green Eggs & Ham, Cat in the Hat Strawberry poke cake, Hop on Pop popcorn, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish goldfish.

Kailey Miller is a 10th grade student in 3D Art, Section 1. Kailey is also currently the Art TA. Kailey always puts in good effort in the art room and is very creative. Kailey's assignment was to use our fabric paints to the best of her abilities. She needed to create a design that she could not buy in a store but also one that she would want to wear. Kailey did an excellent job with this task. Her shirt is both unique and beautiful. She used the paints and her space well to create a quality design.

Every year students have the opportunity to participate in the Gamma Chapter's Netteshiem Literary Competition. They learn about this opportunity through the Plainfield Public Library, Tri-County's librarian Ms. Rink, and their English teachers. Last year Nadia Schoenstene participated and placed. This year three students (all 10th grade) participated and all placed at the local level. Annabelle Sweeney placed first, and Nadia Schoenstene and Belle Luecking tied for second place. Their stories with illustrations have been sent to the Wisconsin State Organization for this competition. In May the students should hear more information. Congratulations ladies!

TC Closed Today - Virtual Learning Day
Good Morning,
Due to highly confident forecasts for our area that snow, wind, and freezing roads will be highly likely throughout the day today, and worsening into the afternoon, Tri-County Schools will be closed today for in-person education. Classes will be held virtually. Teachers in 4K-5 will have sent home packets for their students, while 6-12 teachers will use email, google classroom, etc. to communicate expectations to their students today. Be safe.
Tri-County School District

Read Across America Week FUN continues! Students dressed in green attire and ate green eggs and ham. Yum! Thank you to Paula Lauer and our incredible kitchen crew for making today extra special and delicious. #GreenEggsandHam #TCproud #ReadAcrossAmerica

Great job to the girls middle school basketball teams! Here are some action shots from this season.

Today's Boy's Basketball ball game in Three Lakes has been rescheduled to 6:00 pm. Bus time will be 2:15 pm.

Read Across America Week in the elementary is off to an incredible start! Students and teachers worked together to decorate their classroom doors based on books that they read. These doors look stunning and are so creative.
#ReadAcrossAmerica #TCproud #readingisFUN

Great job to all of our middle school boys basketball players! Here is a look back at some action shots.

Here are a few quick reminders for softball players & supporters:
All 3rd- 8th Graders, please submit your forms to Mrs. Helmrick, Mrs. LaPorte, or Mrs. Baughman for our first softball camp this weekend.
Softball/TC Apparel is now available to order online. Most of the apparel has a variety of color choices, as well as an option of a TC Softball logo or a TC logo. Orders are due by March 16th. https://tri-county-softball-apparel-2025.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Lastly, for High School Softball Players & Parents, there will be a parent meeting on Thursday, March 6th, @ 5:30 PM in the High School Cafeteria. Please make sure to attend.

Kassie Wagenknecht is a 9th grade student in 2D Art, Section 1. Kassie did a fantastic job with her large, 19" x 12" pastel drawing of a Doberman Pinscher. Kassie's effort and skill shines through with this piece. Kassie is always a fantastic artist and does her best. This large drawing is well done, and the colors are striking!

Yesterday 2/27/25 was National Chili Day and the students & staff at Tri-County participated in the Wisconsin Chili Lunch. The annual Wisconsin Chili Lunch (WCL) supports local food purchasing by encouraging cafeterias to serve a chili dish made with local ingredients. On National Chili Day, cafeterias around the state participated in the WCL by preparing local chili and celebrating Wisconsin farmers. The goal of the WCL is to create strong connections between Wisconsin farmers and eaters and demonstrates how cafeterias can serve Wisconsin grown ingredients- even in winter. This statewide chili lunch event inspires nutritious school meals and supports farm to institution initiatives throughout the state, and encourages year-round purchases of local foods. Serving locally and regionally grown ingredients in our cafeteria makes quality meals, supports local economies, and connects people to the people and places that grow their food. #WIChiliLunch #WIF2S #ShowUsYourSpoonful #F2SChili

Today's TC play group was all about being silly! We learned that you don't need pictures to enjoy a good book---even at a young age! We read "The Book With No Pictures," and the kids received their own copy, along with a magnetic alphabet set. The children each decorated the first letter in their name and enjoyed alphabet cookies, along with cupcakes compliments of Ally, who turned 4! We danced to Dr. Jean's "Tooty Ta" and "Banana Dance," and we acted out the alphabet too. Lots of laughs today! Please join us on March 28th at 9:00 for our next play group.

Shout out to the TC Staff! Staff annually competes in floor hockey against the winning student class during Winterfest. It is a tough, physical competition and so much fun to watch. Staff defeated the Junior class and are the grand champions!

Tri-County Elementary students will be participating in dress-up days March 3rd - 7th. Students will dress up to help celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday and Read Across America Week. Plus, Mrs. Lauer and her fabulous kitchen crew will be making and serving Green Eggs & Ham on Tuesday, March 4th. It's going to be a fun-filled week! #dressup #drseuss #TCproud #ReadAcrossAmerica

Attention Students and Parents:
We are excited to announce two softball camps for students in grades 3 through 8! These camps will be held on Saturday, March 8, and Saturday, March 29. Information about the camps has already been sent home. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: Coach Helmrick, Coach LaPorte, or Mrs. Baughman
We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Our Middle School Wrestling team finished up their season. The team did great! Each player had many matches with several different schools. Team members include: Elijah Baillod, Ace Farago, Val Flores, Jaden Fusek, Chevy Houk, Jakob Scharff, Coach Clancy Farago, Assistant Coach Jesse Mata, and Assistant Coach Josh Friebel.

Youth football camp for current 2nd-5th graders Saturday, March 29th! Registration information will be coming home with students. For any questions, please contact Coach Topper at 715-279-2580.

Senior and junior students interested in health care careers were able to tour the Mid-State Technical College medical simulator lab at Riverview Hospital (Aspirus) in Wisconsin Rapids. This was a wonderful experience to explore careers and educational opportunities.