The Fitness Center will be closed this evening. Sorry for any inconvenience. Stay safe of the roads.
about 8 hours ago, Jody Congdon
Check out the fun that TC Staff had the week before spring break... Once students caught on, they were curious as to what the staff was going to do next. Thank you to the Sunshine Committee for planning a fun week!
4 days ago, Kelly Detlor
High School track practice is cancelled for today 3/19/2025.
5 days ago, Amber Schwartzman
Congratulation to these young men for making 2025 WBCA Boys Basketball Academic All-State. We are so proud of you! Gage Beggs -Sophomore Sam Boyd - Sophomore Xzavier Garcia - Freshman Seth Hildebrandt - Sophomore RJ Meddaugh - Sophomore Gabe Prince - Junior Luke Rasmussen - Junior Breckin Urban - Sophomore
6 days ago, Jody Congdon
TC Elementary staff felt the love on Friday with a gesture of gratitude from elementary principal, Mrs. Lau. Staff felt appreciated with a rainbow 🌈 of treats that were an expression of how lucky Mrs. Lau feels for the staff's unwavering dedication, experience, and love for all TC Elementary students. ♥️🐧🌈 #TCproud #PenguinPride
6 days ago, Kelly Detlor
Calling all current 2nd-5th grade students! Interested in playing football but would like a trial run to see if football is for you? Check out this one-day football camp focusing on learning techniques and drills. Please fill out the attached form and return to Ms. Baughman by March 24th! Questions-contact Coach Topper at 715-279-2580
7 days ago, Dallas Topper
Football Camp Flyer
Spuds Registration Form 1
Spuds Registration Form 2
🌿✨ The greenhouse is buzzing with excitement as our Plant Science and Floral Design students have been hard at work preparing for our Hanging Basket Sale! 🌸 Mark your calendars for Friday, May 2nd from Noon to 4 PM—these beautiful baskets go FAST, so be sure to get there early! 🌷
10 days ago, Theresa Glodoski
Planting in Greenhouse
Ruby Urban is a senior in 2D Art, section 3 & 4 this year. Ruby has been a delight to have in all her years at Tri-County. She won third place this year for the Waushara County Environmental Poster Contest. She has created multiple fun and standout pieces. Ruby is a unique individual with many talents. This piece, featured for our Artist of the Week, is her free choice painting. Ruby chose to create this acrylic painting that measures 18" x 14". It is whimsical and colorful, just like Ruby. She will be very missed next year!
10 days ago, Jennifer Montgomery
Astronoaut painting
Due to staffing shortage, the Fitness Center will be closed today 3/13/25. Thank you.
11 days ago, Jody Congdon
Don't forget! Softball and TC Apparel Orders are due this Sunday, March 16th!
13 days ago, Jamie Helmrick
The Oasis Prairie Ramblers decorated donuts for the sheriffs department and our very own Plainfield police officers. Thank you so much for your service to our school and our community.
13 days ago, Jody Congdon
Look who paid a visit to TC last Friday!!!!!!! For those that don't know, he is the former starting center for the Badgers, former starting center for the Dallas Cowboys, and now the current starting center for the Washington Commanders....Tyler Biadasz. Thank you Tyler for taking time out of your day to visit with our staff and students. Thank you also to Mr. Zellmer for making this special event happen.
13 days ago, Jody Congdon
The final activity for Read Across America Week was an assembly. Students gathered together in anticipation, filled with excitement. Cyndi Royer, the elementary interventionist, led the assembly announcing the top readers, trivia winners with a tie breaker, etc.. At the end of the assembly, the top readers from each classroom participated in a book relay. The entire elementary school cheered both teams on. Team 1 was victorious, beating Team 2 by only one second. Check out the relay: Thank you to the RAA Committee for planning a fun and engaging week of activities, bringing the elementary together over the love of reading. #TC #readersRleaders #kidswholove2read #readacrossamerica #penguinpride
15 days ago, Kelly Detlor
RAA Assembly
RAA Top Readers from each grade level
RAA Trivia Winners Mrs. Detlor's 2nd Graders
RAA Book Relay
RAA - The grade level that read the most at 1,051 books was 2nd Grade
Read Across America Week had the elementary humming with excitement this last week.The kitchen served creative Dr. Seuss themed foods, read alouds in the library focused on Newberry and Caldecott award-winning books, and students listened to staff guest readers. The love of reading was celebrated in every area of the building. The students' smiles were seen, their laughter was heard, and joy was felt by all. ♥️🐧 #TCproud #readersareleaders #RAA #voraciousreaders
15 days ago, Kelly Detlor
During Read Across America Week, elementary students were given a reading challenge of 1,000 books. Students rose to the challenge and CRUSHED it by reading 3,591 books! Shanna Chipman, our elementary librarian, tracked the students' reading by putting states on the US map. Students read so much that they made it from the West Coast to the East Coast almost TWO times! The top reader from each grade level was recognized at the RAA assembly on Friday. 2nd Grade was recognized for reading more books than any other grade level. Way to go, TC Penguins! #readersareleaders #welove2read #ReadAcrossAmerica #TCproud
16 days ago, Kelly Detlor
Reading Buddies across grade levels was a great way to engage our elementary students during Read Across America Week. Students huddled together, reading, building fluency, laughing, and talking about books. #TCproud #Readers4life #readingbuddies #RAA
16 days ago, Kelly Detlor
This past week the Kitchen Staff at Tri-County joined in the Read Across America celebrations with the elementary students. Menu items included Go Dog Go mini corn dogs, Green Eggs & Ham, Cat in the Hat Strawberry poke cake, Hop on Pop popcorn, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish goldfish.
16 days ago, Nathan Detlor
Lunch Line
Lunch Line
Kailey Miller is a 10th grade student in 3D Art, Section 1. Kailey is also currently the Art TA. Kailey always puts in good effort in the art room and is very creative. Kailey's assignment was to use our fabric paints to the best of her abilities. She needed to create a design that she could not buy in a store but also one that she would want to wear. Kailey did an excellent job with this task. Her shirt is both unique and beautiful. She used the paints and her space well to create a quality design.
17 days ago, Jennifer Montgomery
sun and flowers
Every year students have the opportunity to participate in the Gamma Chapter's Netteshiem Literary Competition. They learn about this opportunity through the Plainfield Public Library, Tri-County's librarian Ms. Rink, and their English teachers. Last year Nadia Schoenstene participated and placed. This year three students (all 10th grade) participated and all placed at the local level. Annabelle Sweeney placed first, and Nadia Schoenstene and Belle Luecking tied for second place. Their stories with illustrations have been sent to the Wisconsin State Organization for this competition. In May the students should hear more information. Congratulations ladies!
18 days ago, Megan Woyak
TC Closed Today - Virtual Learning Day Good Morning, Due to highly confident forecasts for our area that snow, wind, and freezing roads will be highly likely throughout the day today, and worsening into the afternoon, Tri-County Schools will be closed today for in-person education. Classes will be held virtually. Teachers in 4K-5 will have sent home packets for their students, while 6-12 teachers will use email, google classroom, etc. to communicate expectations to their students today. Be safe. Tri-County School District
19 days ago, Jamie Delikowski